Saturday, April 10, 2010

On Autism - for Kids

Autistic Planet by Jennifer Elder (ISBN 9781843108429)

A highly illustrated book, this is book is written for children, particularly those with autism. Through simple story-telling of the differences among people in the world, the book helps readers to gain a basic understanding of how autistic children feel they are different from others. 

Being Gifted - for Kids and Teens

In the book, Frances O’ Connor addresses the issues concerning teenagers who are gifted. Written for adolescence, the author provides a guide to readers on coping with the pressures that comes with their talents, as well as encouraging them to make use of their abilities to expand their knowledge base and to make contributions to the society by taking appropriate actions under the guidance of their teachers. The book also provides explanations clearing up several myths that entail people associated with giftedness, such as ‘gifted persons loves studying and are often lonely’.

From the perspective of a reader, the book is a good source of basic information on the social and psychological interference resulted by one being segregated as a gifted person. Already adolescences have to face the emotional changes during puberty, and being labelled as gifted will only increase their anxieties. In this case, the book offers appropriate guidance to teenagers uncertain about their special talents and emotions. 

Choking to death

Chuck Palahniuk's idea of 'Choke' is a fresh one which encapsulates the aspirations, problems and responsibilities of the contemporary man through the life of Victor Mancini, a sexually addicted medical school drop-out who lives by by gaining the sympathy of others by pretending to choke in upscale restaurants. Not one to be entirely hated by the audience for his manipulative acts, Victor is but one actor among us who put on good shows in order to support his ailing mother.
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