Friday, December 19, 2008

My reading log

Hey, there.

It has been a very long time since I last wrote in a diary or blog. I have decided to create a reading log since my love for reading suddenly upsurged, perhaps due to the upcoming holidays. Even though there are still a lot of other things to be done, I hope to read as much as I can and to finish reading the fifty books on my bookshelf and to cross off book titles on my reading list. If I could, then I would want to read all day, all night. This seems impossible as I have other things to do as any other person does. No matter what, to keep things short, reading; always beat everything.

I would post information about books that I have read in a particular month and include at least a pop quiz for each of them since I don't know why but I like to prepare materials as such. I hope it would be of use to some, or you can have fun answering my questions about certain books and stories. However, my ultimate reason for creating this journal is for myself to keep tab with my readings since I find myself reading lesser books as I age. This journal would not only serve as a reminder on how many good books I have missed, but also jolt my memories about good reads that I have encountered in the past.

Feel free to drop me a message pertaining my readings, yours or good and bad reads in general.

Thanks for visiting.

Yours faithfully,

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